Garage&co: a pioneer in hardtech innovation

Garage&co is the catalyst for hardtech innovation in Quebec. We choose to work on hard problems, not because they're easy, but because they're crucial.
illustration of a robot head

Who are we?

Our mission is to build a collaborative platform that fosters the development and growth of the hardtech ecosystem in Quebec and Canada. For startups, we offer customized support covering all stages of product development, with a local, sustainable and responsible approach.

We work closely with all players in the ecosystem, from companies to investors, to strengthen financing, investment and collaboration opportunities.

Hardtech, n.m

Hardtech, short for hardware technology, encompasses technologies materialized in the form of physical products, requiring design, manufacture and integration with software. These technologies offer sustainable solutions to global challenges that software alone cannot address.

" We choose to go to the Moon, not because it is easy, but because it is hard."
illustration of a rocketship

Our priority sectors of activity

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picto of a cube

Advanced manufacturer

Our values


We value the ability to do things together. In a team, the total equals more than the sum of the parts.


We pay attention to others.

Entrepreneurial spirit

We support autonomy and proactivity in the search for solutions.


We find innovative and collaborative solutions.
illustration of a guy programming

Our team

Meet the members of our team.
illustration of a woman

Laurence Audette-Lagueux

General Manager

Christian Beaubien

Entrepreneur in Residence

Annie-Claude Devriese

Development and Partnerships Specialist

Emmanuel Cameron

Strategic advisor and Co-founder

Daniel Moraes

Program Manager

Philippe Gaumond

Senior Financing Consultant

Vincent Mayka

community manager

Arthur Sureau-Samit

Prototyping Project Manager Trainee

Our partners

logo of punctuatelogo of desjardinslogo of awslogo of futurpreneurlogo of c2milogo of la ruchelogo of the manufacturerlogo of mainlogo of pbi solidworkslogo of ministere de l'économie science et innovationpeich technologies logo